About LJ

My name is LJ. My husband, our kids, and I live in Austin, TX.

I’m a stay at home mom, and I consider myself a recovering self-doubter. I’m on a journey to get to know myself, and I’m eager to share the lessons that I’m learning along the way.

I am an only child. I grew up in a small town in North Carolina, near Raleigh. I attended University where I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a concentration in Human Services. I minored in Religious Studies.

After college I worked as a Residential Coach at a boarding school for teenagers on the Autism spectrum.

My husband and I were married in October of 2012, and moved to Austin, TX two days later. Once we settled in Austin I began working at the American Cancer Society as a Cancer Information Specialist.

We had our first son (who I refer to in my posts as “Big Brother”) in January of 2015. I continued to work at the American Cancer Society until January of 2016. This is when my life as a stay at home mom began.

Our second son, Little Brother, came along in June of 2016.

We are expecting a baby girl. She is set to arrive via c-section on August 14th of 2018 (but we all know how unpredictable these little ones can be).

For the past year I’ve been working very hard to realize and correct the lies that I believe about myself. I have been insecure for as long as I can remember, and it was starting to damage my relationships. I began this work to hopefully become a better mother, wife, and friend. It has resulted in deeper relationships and more confidence in myself and those around me.

The (dis)Organized Momma is my way of sharing some of the things that I’m learning. So much of it applies to all women, not just moms. We are all too often too hard on ourselves.

I hope that you find the things that you read her somewhat encouraging or helpful! Thanks for stopping by.